All of you might have heard about the news on Japan.It's a misfortune. An earthquake of 8.9 magnitude of the Richter scale hit Japan causing tsunamis once more.Within radius,the tsunami began to overcome with its massive force. Sendai,Japan was the first to hit as it was near to the harbor.There are several videos that people took even if their life was at stake. And today,there was a nuclear meltdown. So what's a meltdown? A meltdown is overheating of the nuclear core causing the core to melt which allow radiation of nuclear activity into the atmosphere. It's like one after the other. And why should we worry? Because many lives are lost. Homeless. Lost their jobs. Their effort. A family. And yet they are still in danger.Why? Seismic activity would last a few days or maybe one-two weeks the most. And there are some that might feel tremors. Due to these activity,tsunami would still be a threat to the people on land. And the aftermath is just the beginning. It would take few days or weeks before the water is back to the sea. Communication lines are cut. Injuries status unknown Medical personnel are restricted. And casualties would receive treatment not even on time. There are some that are missing. Some trapped. Some could be safe and some could not. There are others that would feel mentally stressed about the whole situation. Many lives are at stake. Shortages of food. The lack of proper sanitation. Ohh Ohh Ohh .. and I pray I just cant sleep tonight. Knowing that things aint right. Its in the papers, its on the tv, its everywhere that I go. Children are crying. Soldiers are dying Some people don't have a home But I know there's sunshine behind that rain I know there's good times behind that pain, hey Can you tell me how I can make a change I close my eyes and I can see a better day I close my eyes and pray I close my eyes and I can see a better day I close my eyes and pray I lose my appetite, knowing kids starve tonight. And when I sit up, cause my dinner is still on my plate. Ooo I got a vision, to make a difference. And its starting today. Cause I know there's sunshine behind that rain I know there's good times behind that pain, hey Haven`t tell me how I can make a change I close my eyes and I can see a better day I close my eyes and pray I close my eyes and I can see a better day I close my eyes and pray For the broken-hearted. I pray for the life not started I pray for all the ones not breathing. I pray for all the souls in need. I pray. Can you give em one today. I just cant sleep tonight Can someone tell how to make a change? I close my eyes and I can see a better day I close my eyes and pray I close my eyes and I can see a better day I close my eyes and I pray I pray .. I close my eyes and pray .. Entitled "Pray"